3 Wishes
A girl finds a genie in a lamp.
But wait... The genie does not want to grant three wishes. This genie is only willing to offer advice to the girl.
But can a normal girl's actions be enough for all her dreams to come true?
If you wish to find out, then you can read - or listen to - or even watch the story as the adventure unfolds. This is only possible thanks to the augmented reality feature of the book!
How to use Augmented Reality
Use your mobile or tablet to access one of the following:
Play Store or App Store
Download (free of charge!) and open app named Kotba ta' Ruth Frendo.
Point the camera of your mobile or tablet towards the page showing the symbol of the genie lamp
Wait a few seconds till the camera recognises the page and comes to life.
Enjoy the magic created by this book!
This app is compatible with AR Core and AR Kit mobiles and tablets.

Download Pdf Book
You can also use the following link to download the app from
Play Store and/or App Store: